Please pray for the First Profession in Manila
The Invitation Card for the First Profession in Manila
The Invitation Card for the First Profession in Manila
Prioress of the Seoul Priory’s Visit to the Daegu Priory House In mid-April 2021, numerous community pantries have sprouted across the country to help others in need of food and other basic necessities through donated goods or cash by people of goodwill. This concept of Filipino ‘bayanihan’ or solidarity with those in dire need amid…
Sr. Mary Thomas Prado was installed as Prioress of Manila / Philippines on April 11, 2021. She was elected Prioress of Manila / Philippines on February 16, 2021.
“Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine.” Is 43,1 Sister Sebastiana (Mi Ja) Im, OSB was called home to God on April 9, 2021 in Deagu. She offered herself to God through Temporary Profession on September 17, 1969 in Daegu / Korea and Perpetual…
Easter Candles Display The Easter candles express God’s love and mercy, falling upon the world through Jesus Christ who is the Beginning and the End. The Cross carved on the Easter candle conveys the Paschal Journey of suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. The priory house Easter Candles were displayed, decorated by Sr. Liberata…
The Community in Baguio / Philippines Shelters Children with Special Needs from Ash fall of Taal Volcano Eruption Taal Volcano Eruption January 2020 Missionary Benedictine Sisters St. Scholastica’s Convent & Retreat House Baguio City The Community Missionary Benedictine Sisters, Baguio City Shelters Children with Special Needs from Ash Fall of Taal Volcano Eruption by…
Sr. Benedicta Yeo Won the 32nd ASAN Award of this Year in KOREA ASAN Foundation under the Hyun Dai Group, one of the Korea’s leading corporations, has annually rewarded those who have devoted themselves to doing volunteer ASAN Foundation under the Hyun Dai Group, one of the Korea’s leading corporations, has annually rewarded those who…