Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday, we received a cross of ashes on our forehead (made from the ashes of burnt palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday). The Observance of Lent The life of a monk ought to be a continuous Lent. Since few, however, have the strength for this, we urge the entire community during these…

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

 On the 40th day after Christmas we together with the Church in the whole world celebrate Christ, the light for revelation to the gentiles (Lk 2: 32). According to tradition the candles are blessed, which will be used in the chapel throughout the year. By procession we walked towards the chapel We are called to be people…

Happy Feast Day Sr. Lumen

On the eve of February 2, the Casa community celebrated the feast day of Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca, Vicaress General. Juniors and final professed sisters alike showed their different talents. Challenging each other to perform in another culture’s dance or song created much laughter. We thanked Sr. Lumen for her presence among us, her tireless…