Closing of the Season of Creation

On October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Season of Creation came to a close.  In the Casa community we united with the whole world in this season of prayer for the creation.  We closed the season the season of creation with a renewal chapter asking God and our brothers and sisters…

Installation of new Coordinator: Sr. Lugarda Pak

 During noon prayer, there was a short rite to thank Sr. Antoinettefor seven years of faithful service as Casa Coordinatorand handing over the official document to Sr. Lugarda Pak, the newly appointed coordinator. With a song and outstretched arms the sisters blessed Sr. Lugarda for her new assignment. In the refectory during lunch all sisters…

Tutzing Priory: On the Road for Climate Justice

During the action for climate justice organized in the first run by “Fridays for Future” in more than 230 German cities , Sisters from the Motherhouse Tutzing participated in the rally /  demonstration in Munich together with sisters from the network “OrdensFrauenFürMenschenwürde – OFMW” Aware that it is the poorest and most vulnerable who suffer most from…