Visitation in Tutzing Priory

 From February 12 to March 9, 2022, M. Maoro Sye assisted by Sr. Regina Tesch held the visitation in Tutzing Priory. They visited the three communities in the Motherhouse, Bernried and Dresden and held workshops in four groups, one in Dresden and three in the motherhouse. Community in Bernried Community in Dresden Group 1 Workshop…

Welcome IJP 2022

On March 19, the solemnity of St. Joseph, four junior sisters were welcomed in the Casa community with a short rite during noon prayer. The four new junior sisters are from left to right Sr. Hildegard Shayo from Ndanda Priory, Sr. Alda Valentina Menezes from Torres Novas / Angola, Sr. Mary Celestine Ngesheya from Windhoek…

Pope’s March Prayer Intention

Pope’s March prayer intention:For a Christian response to bioethical challenges Let us pray that we may give a Christian response to bioethical challenges. It is evident that science has progressed, and today the field of bioethics presents us with a series of problems to which we must respond, not hiding our head like an…

Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday, we received a cross of ashes on our forehead (made from the ashes of burnt palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday). The Observance of Lent The life of a monk ought to be a continuous Lent. Since few, however, have the strength for this, we urge the entire community during these…