The Paschal Triduum begins with a solemn mass on Holy Thursday evening.

We remember the institution of the Holy Eucharist.
It was, when Jesus ate with his disciples his last supper following the passover rite.
He knew that it was his last meal with his friends
and that he would have to undergo suffering and a cruel death.

Having this in mind, Jesus expressed his deep love, his readiness to be broken for the many,
as he took the bread, broke it, gave it to his disciples and said: “This is my body for you!”
And he took the cup of wine saying: “This is my blood poured out for you”.
The celebration ends with a sober mood when the Eucharist is transferred out of the chapel.
The altar is stripped, the decoration removed.

During the festive supper in the refectory M. Maoro enlightened the menorah,
the seven-branched candle stick
in remembrance of the passover meal celebrated by Jesus with his disciples.

Junior sisters asked questions about the meaning of this special night,
to which M. Maoro answered.

The day was closed by the night prayer
and holy hour, listening to the farewell discourse of the gospel of John.

During the night we were invited to stay with Jesus for one hour,
while he is suffering in so many of our brothers and sisters in the whole word.