Prayer for First Profession in Nairobi

The Prioress and Community of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Sacred Heart Priory Nairobicordially invitesto the Eucharistic Celebration with Rite of First Monastic Profession of: Novice Florence Ketchup Nov. Aimerance K. Matata Nov. Veronica M. Musumbi Nov. Christine W. Njoroge And Ruby Jubilee of: Sr. Maria Goretti Achieng OSB.  At Sacred Heart Priory, Karen –…

Final Profession in Windhoek

On May 18, Saturday before Pentecost, Sr. Mary Celestine Ngesheya pronounced her final profession in the chapel of the priory house of Windhoek.The holy mass was presided over by Fr. Werner Simanekeni Afunde, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Windhoek. The profession card is signed by Sr. Mary Celestine and M. Simon Lee, prioress from…