Prayer for First Profession in Olinda

Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled! (Lk 1:45)Mother Maria Madalena Ferreira de Mendonça, Prioress, and the Missionary Benedictine Sisters ofTutzing, Olinda Priory ask your prayer for  Novice Patrícia Avelino da Silva,  who will make her first profession on Saturday, September 21 at 9 am in the Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia…

First Profession in Peramiho

On August 6, Novice Lucia Mpejiwa and Novice Lamberta Nakamba celebrated in Permiho their first profession.The rite took place during an Eucharistic celebration in the priory house chapel. They read their profession card expressing their commitment to follow Christ in religious life,persevere in the Congregation of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzingand to live in obedience according…

New Missionary in Bulgaria

 On February 13, Sr. Juliana Malila from Peramiho Priory arrived as new missionary in Bulgaria. She was welcomed by Sr. Ludwig and Sr. Mary Grace at the airport… and by the whole community at the entrance of the community… and in the refectory. We thank Peramiho Priory for sending her to Bulgaria to strengthen the small communityand…

Young European Benedictine Women in Tutzing

The meeting of the Young Benedictine Women of CIB was held this year in Tutzing. 18 Benedictine women met for encounter and sharing. The participants came from 6 different European countries. Speakers were Sr. Lynn McKenzie, OSB, moderator of CIB, and Sr. Mechthild Hommel, theologian and presently subprioress in Tutzing. Sr. Mechtild shared about the…

Manila Priory celebrates Season of Creation

September 1st to October 4, 2023 marked the Season of Creation. The Priory House community started this Season of Creation by integrating an intercessory prayer at Vespers and Holy Mass. Laudato Si’ Movement Pilipinas organized Ecumenical Walk for Creation on September 15, 2023, from 5AM -8:30AM at the Shrine of Jesus the Divine Word, E. Rodriquez, Quezon City.…