Good Friday

 On Holy Friday, the Church remembers the unjust condemnation, suffering and death of Jesus Christ. The day begins for us with the office of readings,where we sing and listen to texts from the Old and New Testament,texts about salvation history containing suffering and renewed hope. Hearing the lamentations of the Old Testament, we pray for all those experiencing…

Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, the Church celebrates the institution of the Holy Eucharist.  Jesus Christ gave himself to us as bread broken – his body -and wine poured out – his blood.It happened on the day before he was to suffer. After the solemn Eucharistic celebration the mood changes.The Blessed Sacrament is brought to a place of repose,the…

Palm Sunday

 On Palm Sunday, the Church recalls the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalemto accomplish the Paschal Mystery.  The Casa community gathered outside the chapel for the blessing of the palm braches. With palm branches the people greeted Jesus of Nazareth riding on the donkeyas their king: Hosanna to the Son of David;blessed is he who comes…

Ash Wednesday

“Remember you are dust,and to dust you shall return.” from the liturgy of Ash Wednesday In these clear words and with ashes put on our foreheads we are reminded of our own destiny,that this life on earth is not forever.Yet, we believe that through deathGod will lead us to full, to eternal life. St. Benedict advises us…

Manila Visitation

 On February 12, the visitation in Manila Priory by M. Maoro Sye, assisted by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca was officially opened.  Yet already before that Sr. Lumen Gloria, who had arrived earlier, visited communities and had personal interviews with sisters. Visit in Pambujan Visit to Holy Family Academy, Angeles Angeles Community Visit to Bacolod Visit in…