Zarevbrod in Bulgaria

In 1914, Sisters began in Bulgaria to aid the German settlers by education. Later under the Communist regime the sisters served in the adjoining psychiatric hospital. Today the sisters do pastoral and catechical ministries.

ADDRESS : ul. Prof. Ivan Ivanov Nr. 2 / BG-9747 Zarevbrod, Schumensko, BULGARIA
TEL : 00359-5315-2089 / -2136

Latest Zarevbrod news

New Missionary in Bulgaria

 On February 13, Sr. Juliana Malila from Peramiho Priory arrived as new missionary in Bulgaria. She was welcomed


On January 10, 1914, four sisters were sent to Endjé, later called Zarevbrod. In the German emigrants community they were to take over school teaching, pastoral care and service to the sick.

In 1948 all but two German sisters left the Communist Peoples’ Republic to return to Germany after their work had become more and more limited. The other two remained with the Bulgarian sisters. They lived and worked in a home for mentally challenged people.

In 1990, after the end of the communist regime, the sisters won back their freedom and new missionaries joined the brave community once again. They devote themselves mainly to the predominantly poor population.

Freed from the Turkish Regime in 1878, the Bulgarian King Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg invited German farmers and tillers to come and teach the Bulgarians farming methods. Some farmers settled in Endje, presently Zarevbrod. Together with them was a German Passionist priest Father Franz Krings. In 1910 he built a church. Conscious of the need of teaching Christian catechism to the German children, Fr. Krings asked from the Motherhouse of Tutzing for sisters to help him.

Thus, four German Sisters came on January 14, 1914 and in a makeshift classroom, they started teaching the children and youth, preparing them for First Communion. One Sister was engaged in the health apostolate, another in sewing and embroidery of church linens and vestments.

The production of the skin ointment from marigold flowers and oil from lily flowers, popular in Bulgaria and abroad, because of its effectiveness, was popularized by our German sisters. Aside from the ointments, they also prescribed herbal plants for healing.




Help for Refugees from Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war in Ukrainein February 2022 around 200,000 refugees have arrived in Bulgaria. Well-wishers, families, social and church organizations are opening

Zarev brod community in Germany

Zarev brod community in Germany For the feast of St. Benedict this year, on July 11th as a community we were invited to Tutzing priory