In 1980, in a concern for the many ageing German missionaries, the Congregation built a home for returning missionaries in Tutzing. Haus St. Benedikt is home for around thirty sisters.
ADDRESS : Haus St. Benedikt; Beneditkenweg 3, 82327 Tutzing / Germany
TEL : 0049-8158-937-0
Latest News from Haus St. BENEDIKT

For a long time the Generalate recognized the need to establish a home for elderly and ill German missionaries who wanted to return to their homeland or who could no longer be taken care of in the mission fields. Since the Motherhouse lacked sufficient capacity to receive these sisters, another possibility was sought. This was realized through the generosity of a Tutzing citizen, Mrs. Johanna Schwamm, who donated to the Congregation a large piece of property gloriously situated on the Bareislweg in Tutzing, Bavaria. On March 19, 1979, Mrs. Johanna Schwamm and our then prioress general, M. Gertrud Link, dug the first shovel on the property. The newly constructed home was dedicated on August 15, 1980.

How everything started:
For some time the Leadership of our Congregation had recognized the need of founding a home for old and sick German Missionaries that wished to return to their homeland or could not be cared for in their mission countries. In addition, political developments in some countries made the return of German missionaries advisable.
Therefore, during the 1976 General Chapter it was decided to find a suitable place for such a home, since the Tutzing Motherhouse did not have sufficient space.
The generosity of a Tutzing citizen, Mrs. Johanna Schwamm, provided the answer. She bequeathed to the Congregation her considerable property with a picturesque pond at today’s Benediktenweg in Tutzing, exactly right for this purpose.