In 1961, a community was founded in Portugal. Today, the priory house is located in Torres Novas. The communities of Angola and the the house in Madrid / Spain are part of the Torres Novas Priory.

ADDRESS : Beneditinas Missionarias, Quinta St.a Maria Bairro Boa Esperança 2, s/n Cx. P.875, Kikolo, Luanda, ANGOLA

TEL : 00244-926.100.605

Latest Angola news


1931-33: The first sisters came to the then Portuguese colony of Angola and founded the stations Galangue, Kuvango and Cuchi in the Kuando-Kubango Province, working with the Redemptorist Fathers.

Only Cuchi remains today. 1967: Four new missionaries settled in Cazombo, in the Moxico Province located on the upper part of the Zambesi River, where they worked with the Benedictine missionaries from Singeverga, Portugal.

1972: The Serpa Pinta mission, today Menongue, was opened. But in 1975-77, all stations were given up in raging civil war.

1977: Three sisters returned to Menongue; Cuchi was destroyed and Cazombo couldn’t be reached. 1983: The sisters settled in the capitol, Luanda and, in 1998, in the totally destroyed Kuito Bié. Young Angolan women have since joined the community so today there is a promising novitiate in Luanda.

The Angolan missions, once a region of the Generalate District, current belong to the Iberian Priory whose seat is in Portugal.

In Angola four communities serve the people, especially the poor, in health care, education and socio-pastoral work.

Our mission history in Angola is marked with lots of hard work and sufferings. On March 6, 1931, the pioneering Sisters, Sr. Alberta Fischer, Sr. Adriana Kästle, Sr. Anthusa Kindl and Sr. Veremunda Fürst, arrived in Ganague, South of Angola.
On the following year, with our Sisters, Ildephonsa Behr, Nazarina Lechner, Frowina Hutter and Isberga Gruber, Cuchi mission was founded, followed by the Cuvango community: (Sr. Dietlinde Kleinlein, Sr. Gebtraud Grimminger, Sr. Hadmunda Hollik and Sr. Regulinde Reiter).
The Sisters were invited by the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, to take care of the orphans and the intern girls and their formation, as well as catechism, pastoral and nursing care. These communities were part of the Windhoek Priory.

The three communities worked with the priests of the Holy Spirit and later on with the Redemptorist priests. At the beginning of the World War II, the German Sisters were expelled. But because the Superior of Cuchi hid all their passports, it was impossible for them to leave.


Angola NEWS