In July 1903, eight missionary sisters arrived in Olinda, Brazil. Already in 1905 two sister from Olinda traveled to the south to establish another foundation at Sorocaba. In 1995, the Sorocaba Priory received five members of a Pious Union in Buenos Aires Argentina. Today, the sisters minister in many pre-school (creches), primary and secondary schools, some health care institutes and in many social and pastoral activities.
ADDRESS : Priorado Santa Escolástica Rua Padre José Manoel de Oliveira Libório,77 18010-310 Sorocaba – SP BRASIL
TEL : 0055-15-34122816

In 1905, the first sisters sent from Olinda founded the southern Brazilian St. Scholastica Priory in Sorocaba, Sao Paulo. Today the priory has over 70 sisters and 9 houses.
The sisters work in elementary and high schools. Furthermore, they run a kindergarten, a hospital, work in various parishes and take care of street children as well as many persons in the slums. Our two houses in Argentina belong to the Sorocaba Priory.

On September 28, 1905, Mother General Birgitta and Srs. Alphonsa Kellenberger and Lioba Schledorn, all of them Germans, arrived by train in Sorocaba, Brasil, invited by Fr. Miguel Kruse, prior of St.Benedict Abbey in São Paulo.
The purpose of the new foundation was to give new life to St. Benedict Monastery in the center of the town, without monks since more than ten years. Soon more Sisters came from Olinda which was founded two years ago….
Increasing number of students, since families look for serious education according to Christian values.
Social centers for poor children and youths in three of our communities.
Pastoral work in places without resident priest, continued formation of lay people who are involved in pastoral activities, religious orientation of couples and families….