The Prioress and Community of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing,
Sacred Heart Priory Nairobi
cordially invites
to the Eucharistic Celebration with Rite of First Monastic Profession of:

Novice Florence Ketchup

Nov. Aimerance K. Matata

Nov. Veronica M. Musumbi

Nov. Christine W. Njoroge

And Ruby Jubilee of: Sr. Maria Goretti Achieng OSB.
At Sacred Heart Priory, Karen – Nairobi ,Kenya.
Presided by Rt. Rev. Abbot John Baptist Oese OSB,
of the Prince of Peace Benedictine Abbey -Tigoni
On 31st May 2024, At 10:30 am
Presided by Rt. Rev. Abbot John Baptist Oese OSB,
of the Prince of Peace Benedictine Abbey -Tigoni
On 31st May 2024, At 10:30 am