Celebration of Sacred Heart

On June 24th of this year we celebrated the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Our Olinda Priory being dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, some Sisters and members of the Novitiate performed musical numbers in the evening.
Feast of St. John the Baptist
It is tradition in Brazil to celebrate the feast of St. John the Baptist with much joy, also called June festival.
Likewise, in our communities we enjoy to celebrate, as the joyful moments spent together bind us together. The community of the Priory House in Olinda as well as the community of the Immaculate Heart joined the community in Recife for this celebration.

The noviciate dramatised in a presentation the life of St. John.

Old and young was united in the celebration

Our Prioress and Subprioress spoke words of thanks and encouragement to