In 1993, a new foundation was made in Jinja, Uganda. The Sisters administer a large primary school, an expansive health center and maintain a farm overlooking Lake Victoria.
ADDRESS : P.O. Box 1817 Wanyange, Jinja / Uganda
TEL : 00256 701 157 719
E-MAIL : jinjablessings@gmail.com
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Since 1993 our sisters have worked in Jinja, a station in Uganda, at the northern shore of Lake Victoria, they erected a clinic and kindergarten, and recently built an elementary school. The fertile land and moderate climatic conditions allow the sisters to mantain fruits- and vegetable gardens, as well as some cattle.

The beginnings actually started when two Ugandan candidates entered the formation program in our Nairobi Priory in 1981.
In time, the question of a future mission in Uganda was raised. A request for sisters came from the Bishop of Tororo, where the Missionary Benedictine Monks have a Priory. Mother Edeltrud Weist, (at that time Vicaress General) made the initial visit to Uganda, “The Pearl of Africa,” in 1982. In June of that same year, M. Gertrud Link made a follow up visit.
However, since there was already a contemplative community of Benedictines in Tororo, and because an urgent request came from Bishop Joseph Willigers, MHM, of Jinja, consideration of a new foundation shifted from the Tororo Diocese to the Jinja Diocese.