On March 26, 2023, nine junior sisters from 6 different priories and one from a house of the Generalate District were welcomed in the Casa Community.
One sister from GD-Uganda had to leave early because of visa problems,
a sister from Daegu Priory joined later the group.
It was a time of being together in prayer, work, lessons, pilgrimages and recreational activities.
Coming from different cultures and backgrounds,
the sharing of life became an opportunity of growing together as one
through intercultural living.
In sharing each other’s gifts and being ready to learn from each other,
it became a challenging, though immensely enriching experience.
* The watercolor paintings in the video are painted by Sr Laura Ann Haschke.
The year passed quickly.
On January 25, 2024 the program closed, with most of the juniors leaving again for their home priory.
May this experience help each junior
to grow ever deeper into the charism of our international Congregation,
and promote unity in diversity among the different priories and Generalate District Houses.