Sisters with the lay mission partners in the School Academia Santa Gertrudes
In the afternoon of the feast of St. Benedict Sisters Cícera, Alaíde and Isabela had a prayerful moment with the collaborators of Academia Santa Gertrudes. Right after the prayer time, snack was offered.
Celebrating St. Benedict in the Priory House Community
In the evening the priory house community came together to celebrate in joy and gratitude. The noviciate together with the junior sisters presented a number about St. Benedict.
On July 12, Sr. Dircilene Silva and Sr. Inez de Amorim represented our community in the Benedictine meeting of the region. The guiding theme “Monastic Life in Contemporaneity” was approached by Dom Emanuel d’Able Amaral – Abbot President of the Benedictine Congregation of Brazil.

St. Benedict, pray for us!