Prayer for First and Final Profession in Torres Novas Priory / Angola

The Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Torres Novas Priory – Angola,cordially invite you to the Eucharistic celebration with the rite of  First Profession of Novice Teresa C. P. Severino and  Final Profession of Sr. Alda Valentina Menezes, OSBSr. Maria Benedicta Paulo Panzo, OSBSr. Maria Inês Chicaleta, OSBSr Maria Imaculada Chiuco, OSB on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 9 am at St. Monica Parishin…

Renewal of Vows of Sr. Michaela-Sifa

On August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, during midday prayerSr. Michaela-Sifa Sivilondire renewed her profession. She belongs to Nairobi Priory and participates in the International Juniorate Programme (IJP). In front of the altar and in the presence of Vicaress General Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca and the whole communitySr. Michaela-Sifa read the profession card. This was signed…