100 Years Presence of MBS in USA

On July 31, 1923, Sisters Diemud Gerber, Ludovika Kohler, Iniga Endres, and Soteris Spieler arrived in the German farming village of Raeville, Nebraska, to begin the new foundation of Missionary Benedictine Sisters in the USA. A mass of thanksgiving was held in Raeville on July 30. Thanksgiving Mass in Raeville July 30:More than 400 faithful assembled to…

Harvest Time in Rome

After preparing the land and sowing, it is now harvest time in Rome. God blessed our land with plenty of sunshine, rain from heaven and water from the borehole,and our labourto make the plants grow and thrive. We thank God for His blessing as we harvest together and celebrate!


Pictured by : Sr. Bertha Oh(Daegu priory) The 11th of July is solemnity in all our communities spread over the world,as we remember St. Benedict,who in his wisdom wrote a rule,which moulded the lives of countless people after him. One important key word in his rule is Listen,… Listen with the ear of your heart! Also…