Ash Wednesday

“Remember you are dust,and to dust you shall return.” from the liturgy of Ash Wednesday In these clear words and with ashes put on our foreheads we are reminded of our own destiny,that this life on earth is not forever.Yet, we believe that through deathGod will lead us to full, to eternal life. St. Benedict advises us…

Manila Visitation

 On February 12, the visitation in Manila Priory by M. Maoro Sye, assisted by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca was officially opened.  Yet already before that Sr. Lumen Gloria, who had arrived earlier, visited communities and had personal interviews with sisters. Visit in Pambujan Visit to Holy Family Academy, Angeles Angeles Community Visit to Bacolod Visit in…


On February 2, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord.The child Jesus is brought by  Mary and Joseph to the templeas it was Jewish custom for the first born son.  At the same time it is the Feast of Consecrated Life,of all persons who with Jesus have given their lives to God. Jesus is the…

Pope’s February prayer intention: For the terminally ill

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of February2024, and invites everyone to pray for the terminally ill and their families. month’s Video comes during the month in which the Church observes the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, 11 February, on which the World Day of the Sick takes place.Pope Francis explains that…

Prayer for First and Final Profession in Torres Novas Priory / Angola

The Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Torres Novas Priory – Angola,cordially invite you to the Eucharistic celebration with the rite of  First Profession of Novice Teresa C. P. Severino and  Final Profession of Sr. Alda Valentina Menezes, OSBSr. Maria Benedicta Paulo Panzo, OSBSr. Maria Inês Chicaleta, OSBSr Maria Imaculada Chiuco, OSB on Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 9 am at St. Monica Parishin…

Matrimony of Pedro and Angela

January 20 was a special day for Pedro and Angela Villano.And so it was for the Casa Community, as they both work with usand live with us.They are part of our family. With the help of our Sr. Raimunda, Angela received preparation for her baptism. This made is possible that both after preparation including the sacrament…

House Blessings in Sekirovo

 As every year also this year parishioners together with the sisters go from house to house in Sekirovo to bless them. The parish priest, assistant parish priest and the altar servers plan prepare together with the sisters the blessing of each house.   Being with the families in their houses, bringing them the blessing of Christ,is also a chance…