Sr. Elenice Aparecida Ferrrari re-elected as Prioress of Torres Novas Priory

On March 19, Sr. Elenice Aparecida Ferrari was elected for a second term as Prioress of Torres Novas Priory, which includes the communities in Portugal, Spain and Angola.  The election was done simultaneously in Torres Novas / Portugal presided over by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca and in Kikolo-Luanda / Angola presided over by Sr. Vania…

Ndanda Visitation Ongoing

On February 24 the canonical visitation was opened in Ndanda Priory.It will be conducted by M. Maoro Sye assisted by Sr. Katharina Mtitu. In the Priory House Chapel 1st workshop in Ndanda 2nd workshop with junior sisters with the intensifiers and three prioresses present for teaching(Sr. Rosa Pascal, Sr. Simon Lee and Sr. Raphaela Mlwilo) …

ST. SCHOLASTICA – February 10

 O GLORIOUS ST. SCHOLASTICA, O DOVE WHO FLEW TO HEAVEN ON WINGS OF LOVE Scholastica was according to the Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great the sister of St. Benedict, who was from her youth dedicated to God. She liked to come once per year to meet her brother for spiritual exchange. When they met…

India Visitation Ongoing

On January 17, Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca arrived in Punalur to conduct the visitation of the Community. At the same time Sr. Maria Luz Dungca from Manila Priory stayed in the community for teaching of the aspirants and supporting the sisters. The remains of our deceased Sr. Leoni Joseph Manimala, who passed away in 2020,…

Congratulations for Temporal Profession of Sr. Isabela Barbosa dos Anjos

On January 1, 2023, Olinda Priory celebrated the temporary profession of Sr. Isabela Barbosa dos Anjos at Academia Santa Gertrudes in Olinda.  Sr. Isabela showing her profession card. After the liturgical celebration followed the joyfully being together with the sisters,here with prioress M. Madalena Mendonça and junior directress Sr. Maria do Socorro da Silva.