Come Lord Jesus! Advent 2023

Advent is the time of waiting for the Lord,the Lord, who is Light,in the darkness of this world. For first vespers of the first Sunday of Adventthe sisters entered the dark winter chapel following the first light of the Advent wrath. Through our common prayer, singing psalms and hymnsto the Lord, our God,we prepare ourselves and the…

Welcome of new Member in the Casa Community

On October 6 during the midday prayer, the new member of the Casa community, Sr. Bonifasia Ngonyani was officially welcomed with a short rite. She received a candle light in her hand, while M. Maoro Sye prayed for her,gave her the local regulations of the Casa community and blessed her.  Afterwards, all sisters sang a blessing song…

138th Year of the Congregation’s Foundation

On September 24, we celebrate the day of the beginning of our Congregation,when in 1885 the first four women joined the missionary society of Fr. Andreas Amrheinat that time in Reichenbach.These were in fact very humble beginnings.We are grateful to God,who in His faithfulness sustained our Congregation until today.let it grow and spread in many…

The Day of Prayer for Creation

“Let Justice and Peace Flow” The theme of this year’s ecumenical Season of Creation We prayed vespers in the garden, where we were in close touch with God’s creation. We raised our hands towards the sky in all directions open to receive God’s blessings through His miraculous creation. May God teach us to be one…

Renewal of Vows of Sr. Michaela-Sifa

On August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, during midday prayerSr. Michaela-Sifa Sivilondire renewed her profession. She belongs to Nairobi Priory and participates in the International Juniorate Programme (IJP). In front of the altar and in the presence of Vicaress General Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca and the whole communitySr. Michaela-Sifa read the profession card. This was signed…

Harvest Time in Rome

After preparing the land and sowing, it is now harvest time in Rome. God blessed our land with plenty of sunshine, rain from heaven and water from the borehole,and our labourto make the plants grow and thrive. We thank God for His blessing as we harvest together and celebrate!


Pictured by : Sr. Bertha Oh(Daegu priory) The 11th of July is solemnity in all our communities spread over the world,as we remember St. Benedict,who in his wisdom wrote a rule,which moulded the lives of countless people after him. One important key word in his rule is Listen,… Listen with the ear of your heart! Also…

Good bye, Sr. Beata

 Only few days after the farewell of Sr. Aquinata, the Casa Community had again to say good by,this time to Sr. Beata Katuku Mbuvi of Nairobi Priory,who stayed with us for 2 years. In her quiet contentment,her empathetic nature,her giftedness and readiness to give a hand wherever needed,Sr. Beata was such a positive presence in our…