Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, the Church celebrates the institution of the Holy Eucharist.  Jesus Christ gave himself to us as bread broken – his body -and wine poured out – his blood.It happened on the day before he was to suffer. After the solemn Eucharistic celebration the mood changes.The Blessed Sacrament is brought to a place of repose,the…

Palm Sunday

 On Palm Sunday, the Church recalls the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalemto accomplish the Paschal Mystery.  The Casa community gathered outside the chapel for the blessing of the palm braches. With palm branches the people greeted Jesus of Nazareth riding on the donkeyas their king: Hosanna to the Son of David;blessed is he who comes…

Ash Wednesday

“Remember you are dust,and to dust you shall return.” from the liturgy of Ash Wednesday In these clear words and with ashes put on our foreheads we are reminded of our own destiny,that this life on earth is not forever.Yet, we believe that through deathGod will lead us to full, to eternal life. St. Benedict advises us…


On February 2, we celebrate the Presentation of the Lord.The child Jesus is brought by  Mary and Joseph to the templeas it was Jewish custom for the first born son.  At the same time it is the Feast of Consecrated Life,of all persons who with Jesus have given their lives to God. Jesus is the…

Matrimony of Pedro and Angela

January 20 was a special day for Pedro and Angela Villano.And so it was for the Casa Community, as they both work with usand live with us.They are part of our family. With the help of our Sr. Raimunda, Angela received preparation for her baptism. This made is possible that both after preparation including the sacrament…

Epiphany of the Lord

Christ has appeared to us;Come, let us adore him.   On Epiphany we celebrate the God invisible,who became visible to the people,who revealed himself to all nations. Three wise men from distant lands, who followed a star,discovered in the baby in the manger of Bethlehemthe newborn king and God.They prostrated themselves and adored. Let us join…

Merry Christmas

When we celebrate Christmas,we remember the birth of Jesus of Nazareth more than 2000 years agoin Betlehem of Juda. Even more we celebrate God, who became human,who said an irrevocable YES to humanity,broken and sinful as it is…. And we cannot stop singing of HIMwho says YES even today to you and me. While listening…

Welcome Rite of new Members

 On December 24 , the Casa community welcomed two new members with a short rite during midday prayer.  Sr. Marie Therese Kim from Seoul Priory (left)and Sr. Maria Gabrielle Costumbrado form Manila Priory (right) The whole community prayed for them that they may live well their vocationin our intercultural community and blessed them with a song.…

Annual Retreat in the Casa

 Journeying with Mary, Pilgrim of Hope was the theme of the annual retreat in the Casa Community. We were glad to have once more Fr. David Glenday, Comboni missionary, to guide us through these days of spiritual renewal. The theme was inspired by the theme of the upcoming XIV General Chapter:Rekindle the Gift of GodWitnessing our Charism…