Visitation of Mary

On May 31, we celebrate the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.It is also the last day of the month of May dedicated to Mary.On this day, we expressed our filial devotion to Mary through a special liturgy. We prayed the rosary together in different languages and the litanywhile processing to the…


With Pentecost, that is 50 days after Easter,the Easter season ends and we return to ordinary time.Yet, Jesus does not leave us alone.Rather, he is present in a different, more universal way than during his earthly ministry. The outpouring of the Spirit happened that time after Christ’s ascension,when they were all together in one place. Though…

Requiem Mass for Maria Teresa

On May 17, the Casa community celebrated the requiem mass of Maria Teresa,the mother of Dr. Cotogni, our financial adviser, together with her relatives and friends. It was the explicit wish of late Maria Teresa to have the requiem massin our house with the sisters,as it was done already many years before with the requiem…

Community Days 2024

From May 15 – 17, the Casa community held its community days.  After the opening prayer and a short input about the first treasure of our charism, monastic life of prayer and community, the community member shared in two groups. The next morning we listened to the results of the intensegroup  sharing.This was followed by reports given…

Rogation Procession 2024

As it is our custom, also this year the Casa community walked in procession around the house through the garden singing the litany of the Saints.  With this liturgy we acknowledge the gift of our beautiful environment,which refreshes our minds and bears fruits for our bodily nourishment.It is our responsibility to care for it,yet we…

Visit of the Good Samaritan Education Community

On April 27, a group of the Good Samaritan Education in Australia visited our Casa community as part of a Benedictine pilgrimage. They were Good Samaritan Sisters and their lay mission partners for their schools,who came to see and touch Benedictine roots. After sharing about our Congregation and life, they joined us for noon prayer…

Visit of MFP participants

On Easter Monday April 1, 6 participants of the Monastic Formators’ Program visited our Casa community, one among them our Sr. Sarah Elizabeth McMahon from Norfolk Priory. After lunch and praying together Regina Caeli, there was time for encounter and exchange. Thank you for your visit andWelcome again!

Good Friday

 On Holy Friday, the Church remembers the unjust condemnation, suffering and death of Jesus Christ. The day begins for us with the office of readings,where we sing and listen to texts from the Old and New Testament,texts about salvation history containing suffering and renewed hope. Hearing the lamentations of the Old Testament, we pray for all those experiencing…

Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday, the Church celebrates the institution of the Holy Eucharist.  Jesus Christ gave himself to us as bread broken – his body -and wine poured out – his blood.It happened on the day before he was to suffer. After the solemn Eucharistic celebration the mood changes.The Blessed Sacrament is brought to a place of repose,the…