Our summer camp this year started with a 5 day music program conducted by Sr. Franziska Lehmann from Tutzing Priory. The music program was to begin on the 30th of August but already on the 29th of August Sr. Franziska, who had just arrived the same day early in the morning, was ready to meet her equally eager students. The music program mainly consisted of body percussion, whereby the children made musical sounds by clapping their hands, clicking fingers, slapping knees, stamping feet etc.

The summer camp continued for two more weeks guided by Sr. Nadya with the assistance of Sr. Ludwig and animators from among the youth. The first week was attended by 30 children and during the second week there were 25 participants. Their program was composed of breakfast together, prayer service, lessons, educative games and preparations for the following day.
What could be more boring to children than two years of a closed world! The events they had together in the summer camp rekindled life in them.
For most of them the time passed in a flash. Given a chance to
perform a miracle they would definitely rewind the days. Without doubt they are looking forward for the summer camp of the coming year.