The On-going Formation Team of the Manila Priory organized an online Basic Flower Arrangement Workshop last August 19-20, 2022 from 2:30 – 5:30 in the afternoon.

because of COVID infection, this time among men, women employees and three Sisters in the Priory House, but fortunately it pushed through on the scheduled dates.
The facilitator, Ms Candice April Ong has been the School Administrator and Instructor of the Institute of Philippine Floral Techniques from 2008 up to the present.

We learned skills and techniques on fower arrangement while enjoying and having fun during the activity.
In the course of this two-day afternoon workshop, we learned not only basic skills and techniques on fower arrangement but also ways on preserving and handling the fowers with care before, during and after the arrangement. We also learned how to be sensitive enough to the plants’ and fowers’ needs, the way we attend to the needs of our sisters in the community.