Benedictines should not be consumed by work, nor should they spend so much time in prayer that responsibilities are neglected. According to Benedict, all things-eating, drinking, sleeping, reading, working, and praying- should be done in moderation.

Rome- ItalyCongr. News



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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The love of Christ impels us


to share the Word
to instruct and to guide in the Way of Truth
each person entrusted to our care in every educational setting
that they reach their fullest potential as responsible citizens


to the greater honor and glory of God.

From the beginning, the missionaries dedicated themselves to education, especially of young girls and women. Wherever they came, schools were founded. Thus many types of schools have been erected in our nearly 125-year history: from kindergartens, elementary schools and high schools, to a university in Olinda and a music conservatory in Manila. Our sisters in the Philippines conduct about 25 schools with almost 30,000 students.
In addition, there is specific training such as: home economics and sewing schools, especially in Africa; schools for the disabled, nursing schools and Bible schools. Furthermore, courses of every sort offer life support to persons with specific needs.

The love of Christ impels us


To see Jesus particularly present
in the sick, weak, elderly, and lonely;
and to provide by our training
and our treasure a healing of their sufferings
and restored hope and peace to each person.
That in all things God may be Glorified.

Concern for the total healing of persons was Christ’s greatest desire. His commission to the disciples comprised not only the proclamation of the Good News but also “Heal the sick” Thus all over the world the so called ‘works of mercy’ developed, such as sanatorium, leper stations, homes for the mentally and physically challenged, specialty clinics, hospices, and AIDS stations in order to help sick and dying people. The sisters have stood in the forefront in this field. Doctors, pharmacists, medical technicians and countless nurses found their way to Tutzing or were trained there. They served in large urban hospitals and small bush clinics. Much could be told of their often heroic efforts..

The love of Christ impels us

to share our faith journey,
to evangelize and instruct others
in their faith journey,
to have an open heart and mind
for dialogue with people in their concerns.


That in all things God may be Glorified.

God’s love impels us to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people. This is the foremost task and desire of every missionary. “God loves you”is the heart of the message. It is proclaimed to everyone to the ends of the earth through word and deed and, not least of all, through our being. Wherever our sisters live, they work in parishes, base communities, hospitals, schools, military chaplaincies, in prisons and slums, in cities as well as in the deepest bush, in order to proclaim the Word of God. They address themselves to all people, from the youngest to the eldest, to poor and rich, to the healthy and the sick– the Gospel is for ALL.

The love of Christ impels us


to solidarity with the poor and the oppressed,
to have an open heart to their needs through useful projects,
to empower and bring hope to them,
and to awaken a sense for justice
and communal responsibility in our shared environments


That in all things God may be Glorified.

Those disadvantaged in life, those exploited by an unjust world order, victims of globalization and those driven to the edge of their existence, in short, the POOR are the target groups for the social centers we run in different countries. “Option for the poor” has been an ever-recurring theme in our general chapters for many years. What else can we do? Where can we engage more? How can we live more simply? These were the questions we asked ourselves. Concrete responses were given in the priories, addressing the most urgent needs in the respective areas. Thus were developed various social institutions such as: homes for street children, soup kitchens, immigrant centers, education seminars for farmers and agricultural workers, alternative schools for adults and the poor, trade courses for women and youth, help for the elderly and much more.

The love of Christ impels us


to nurture and witness spiritual values in centers of spirituality,
to participate in the missionary service of the Church,
and to provide guidance for living out the message of the Gospels


That in all things God may be Glorified.

Nature of Benedictine Prayer:
Benedict says little about how to pray.

The heart of prayer for Benedict is seeking God and awareness of God in every aspect of living. In the Rule of Benedict, Chapter 20 and 52 speak of “reverence in prayer,” “purity of heart” and “tears of compunction.”

Other Benedictine themes of prayer are

-listening, desire, praying with Scripture through reading, meditation, and contemplation; – LECTIO DIVINA / (how to practice)
-mindfulness, short and continual prayers;
-praying with the PSALMS;
-discernment in prayer and prayer as: “universal, converting, reflective and communal.”

The love of Christ impels us


to walk humbly and in harmony with the rhythms of creation,
to reverence life in all its forms,
and to labor for the respectful and prudent use of resources
to protect the health of earth’s ecosystem.


That in all things God may be Glorified.

The love of Christ impels us


o praise God’s Beauty and Goodness
by uplifting the multitude of talents
expressed through the fine arts.


That in all things God may be Glorified.