Welcome IJP 2023
In March, the new group of the International Juniorate Programme…
On March 26, Sr. Bernarda Hyera was elected as the…
On March 19, Sr. Elenice Aparecida Ferrari was elected for…
On February 13, Sr. Marie Stella Simkoko, junior sister of…
Congratulations to Sr. Marie Angelo Park, Sr. Cordia Choi, and Sr. Mary…
On February 4 during first vespers of Sunday, Sr. Rachel…
On February 18, the following three novices will celebrate their…
On January 15, we celebrate the feast day of Saints…
On January 1, 2023, Olinda Priory celebrated the temporary profession…
With the whole Church and the world we Missionary Benedictine…
The Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Windheok Priory cordially invite…
Sr. Cordia, Sr. Marie Angelo, Sr. Mary Grace The Rite…