Already in 1887 the first missionary sisters are sent to the apostolic prefecture of South Zanzibar East Africa. With great sacrifice, deprivation and suffering the Sisters would establish themselves in East Africa. Today, the Priories of Ndanda and Peramiho alongside the two Abbeys, flourish in the southern regions of Tanzania. Their extensive ministries include quality health care hospitals and clinics, primary, secondary and vocational schools, pastoral services and more.
ADDRESS : Missionary Benedictine Sisters; P.O. Box 1; Ndanda via Mtwara / Tanzania
TEL : 00255-78 524 0091
E-MAIL : srraphaelam@gmail.com
Latest Ndanda PRIORY news

Ndanda Priory in Tanzania is our second oldest priory. Founded in 1908, it developed like Peramiho with hospitals, kindergarten, elementary and high schools, nursing schools, home economic schools, as well as workshops of all kinds.
The large Mwena leper colony was famous through the years-long work of Sr. Lia Schwarzmueller.
When it was no longer needed due to progress in the treatment of leprosy, it was changed to a High School. There was also built a new Kindergarten.
The AQUINAS SECONDARY SCHOOL in Mtwara could be constructed and blessed in 2008 with the help from a TV-program ‘Ein Herz fur Kinder’ in Germany.
There is a happy development of native vocations. From a mainly German Priory it changes progressively through an international community to become predominantly Tanzanian.
In a region that is predominantly Islamic but socially and pastorally open, missionary service is still sought and appreciated. The priory regards a deepening of the faith among the Christians as of central importance in their work.
Right from the start the formation of the young African women, the care for women and the entire health care service had been entrusted to the sisters. These same tasks are being seen anew in the light of dialogue, a communion of cultures and cooperation in pastoral venues.

On February 2,1895 Fr. Maurus Hartmann together with two brothers and Sr. Birgitta Korff, Sr. Klara Essmann, Sr. Afra Gillot, Sr. Bernardine Hefele opened the first mission station in Lukuledi, Tanganyika Inland. Sr Birgitta was elected first Prioress General of the Sisters’ Congregation in the same year and had to leave soon.
In 1898 the community of Sisters was transferred to Nyangao due to shortage of water: Sr. Walburga Diepolder, Sr Hiltrudis Herz and Sr. Viola Albrecht. Their house of sun burned bricks survived the destruction of the mission during the Maji Maji Uprising. Our Sisters are still living in the oldest house of the Congregation….
Ndanda Priory in the 21st Century
In spite of being a very small priory the Sisters have trusted in the Lord to make bold steps for new apostolates, new stations and towards more self-reliance. Much emphasis was given again to the education of young women.
As of Jan 2015 Ndanda has 27 professed sisters, 13 junior sisters, 9 novices, 11 postulants. Today we are serving the Lord and the people in the following places: