Ongwediva Community
Jesus, our Saviour Kindergarten and Pre-School,
Sr. Agatha Iipinge, OSB shared that the first Pre-School graduation in Ongwediva took place on 26 November 2022. Many people came. The parents of the 20 graduating learners were happy to witness the wellprepared graduation exercises. They want their children to remain if only there is a Grade 1 class to keep the spirit of discipline in their children.

Nubuamis, Priory House
St. Benedict Kindergarten and Pre-School

Ruacana Community
Fr. Andreas Amrhein Kindergarten and Pre-School

Namuntuntu Community
St. Scholastica Kindergarten and Pre-School

Okongo Community
All Saints Kindergarten and Pre-School

Ongha Community
St. Scholastica’s Kindergarten and PreSchool