Farewell of Sr. Antoinette

On November 13, it was time to bid farewell to Sr. Antoinette, who departed for good to her home priory Norfolk on November 14 in the morning. It was not without some sadness that we had to say good bye to Sr. Antoinette, who over 7 years coordinated the life in the Casa Santo Spirito. …

Installation of new Coordinator: Sr. Lugarda Pak

 During noon prayer, there was a short rite to thank Sr. Antoinettefor seven years of faithful service as Casa Coordinatorand handing over the official document to Sr. Lugarda Pak, the newly appointed coordinator. With a song and outstretched arms the sisters blessed Sr. Lugarda for her new assignment. In the refectory during lunch all sisters…

Blessing of Vincenza and Pierluigi

In May Vincenza Re, who is working at the parlour of our Casa and assisting us in many things, married Pierluigi.    It was the wish of both of them to have the marriage blessed in our chapel and to celebrate with our community. After the liturgical celebration in our chapel with the participation of…

Ora et Labora! Harvest Time

In our daily life we seek balance between prayer and work, ora et labora. Only then are they real monks when they live by the work of their hands” (RB 48).  In community we are happy to harvest fruits from our own garden. All help together in the evening to process the fruits… and then conclude the day together with prayer.

The July 11, Solemnity of St. Benedict

 Happy Feast Day of St. Benedict!  We celebrated the Solemnity of St. Benedict on Monday, July 11  Life of St. Benedict  Life of St. Benedict    according to the dialogues St. Gregory, with tapestry images made by our Sr. Liobgitha Weis, OSB ⅠBenedict receives the monastic habit.ⅡThe devil breaks the bell rope.ⅢBenedict gives back to the Goth the sickle…

Veni Sancte Spiritus

Come Holy Spirit! On the 50th day of the Easter season we celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Church. During vigil we listened to the sending of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2  and the gospel of John 14 Jesus promising the sending of the Holy Spirit, both sung in Latin.…