Palm Sunday

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel. With the whole Church we remembered today the solemn entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. With this we opened the Holy Week,the week to remember and relive the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The paschal mystery is the center…

The Way of the Cross with the Pope’s Intention

 Lenten time is a special season for Christians to delve deeper into the paschal mystery,the mystery of suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We follow Jesus on his way of the cross,united with Pope Francis and the whole Church.We invite you to join us too. If you would like to pray in a different format…

Ash Wednesday

Remember that you are dust, and into dust you shall return. Every year we are reminded that we are dust,fragile, mortal, small. Fr. Leonardo pointed out the three features of ashes:It is light – we are called to be light, easily to be moved by the blow of the Spirit.It is used as fertiliser in…

Visit of Christian School Brothers

On February 18, the Superior General Br. Armin Luistro and one of the Councillors Br. Ricardo Laguda of the Christian School Brother of La Salle visited our Generalate house in Rome. Both are Philippinos and know well our sisters in Manila Priory. After noon prayer we welcomed them for lunch to our refectory. After lunch…

Happy Feast Day Sr. Lumen

 On February 2, we in the Casa Community did not only celebratePresentation of the Lord and the Day of Consecrated Life,but also the feast day of our Vicaress General Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca. We thank Sr. Lumen Gloria for her tireless service to our Congregationand our Casa Community! Also sisters from Manila Priory House sent their…

Epiphany of the Lord

As it is our tradition, on the feast of Epiphany we go through the whole houseto bless the rooms with incense and holy water. We pray that our activities may go well and come to a good end. Singing Christmas songs throughout, it becomes a joyful event. As the three magi we are on the…

Visit of Abbot Primate to Casa

On December 29, Abbot Primate Gregory Polan, OSB and the Prior of Sant’Anselmo Fr. Mauritius Wilde, OSB came to the Casa community for a short Christmas visit. This visit, which became a tradition over the last years, always makes us happy, feeling like one Benedictine family.  Thank you for your visit and  Welcome again!


Let us all rejoice in the Lord,  for our Savior has been born in the world.Today true peace has come down to us from heaven. (Entrance Antiphon) We celebrate the coming of Our Savior through community celebrations andthe liturgy in the chapel. In the community room we listen to the letter of our Prioress General and are united…


From December 4 to 11, the Casa community had their annual retreat directed by Fr. David Glenday, a Comboni missionary, former superior general of the Congregation and general secretary of the Union of Superiors General. He started by telling us following Lk 8:16-22 that what happened to the disciples, who stayed with Jesus, would also…