Transeamus usque Bethlehem!

Going together to Bethlehem Christmas 2021 As every year on Christmas we are called also this year to come over to Bethlehem in order to become witnesses of the mystery of incarnation, of God becoming a little child. What we celebrate is not only an event of the past as any birthday,but a mystery which…


“Today a Savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord.” Lk 2: 11 The only Son invites us to enter into the deep mystery of the Incarnation, the marvel of the first Christmas! May God grant us the grace of inner stillness,and thereby experience the birth of his life in our souls. As…

Visit of Abbot Primate with his Prior

It is already a happy tradition to welcome Abbot Primate Gregory Polan together with the Prior of Sant’Anselmo Fr. Mauritius Wilde a few days before Christmas. Again this year it was a joyful coming together sharing news and gifts and exchanging Christmas greetings. Casa Community with Abbot Primate Gregory Polan, OSB and Fr. Mauritius Wilde, OSB…

Veni Domine Iesu

Come Lord Jesus! With the first of Advent we started the new liturgical year with great expectation for Him who is to come. At the same time we are journeying together with the world-wide Church in the path of synodality. Jesus Christ is the light, especially for those who are dwelling in darkness.  As a…