In 1995, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Sorocaba Priory): five members of a Pious Union at the Monasterio de la Epifania began their canonical novitiate and made final profession on Feb. 10, 1998
ADDRESS : Benedictinas Misioneras Maure 2038 C 1426 CUL Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
TEL : 0054-11-4771.4715

Five members of an Argentinian community in the Monasterio de la Epifania (Epiphany Monastery) in Buenos Aires began their novitiate on January 6, 1995, under the guidance of the Sorocaba Priory.
They made their First Profession in 1998. In 2002, the sisters took over a guest house in Los Toldos, 186 miles (300 km) away.

The root of our Region was in the call of love from God to a woman who wanted to follow Him and make Him known. So in 1956 Sr. María Leonor Lorenzo along with other young women founded a religious community in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina.
Father Andrés Azcárate OSB awakened in her a strong desire of the Benedictine ideal, not only that but also accompanied and guided the community throughout the development of the foundation that they could live with fidelity and enthusiasm the monastic life and at the same time participate in the work of Evangelization.
On the 6th of August 1998, a second community was established in Ucacha, Diocese of Córdoba, in response to the invitation by a family who requested assistance from the sisters for the people, and they donated a house to the community.
Unfortunately, for various reasons, the community could not remain in this place and closed after 3 years.
Then came a new opportunity to open a second mission in Los Toldos, Diocese of Nueve de Julio, province of Buenos Aires.