Sr. Madalena Mendonça postulated as Prioress of Olinda

Sr. Madalena with M. Maoro Sye During the election chapter in Olinda presided over by M. Maoro Sye, assisted by Sr. Vania Maria Toscano on November 4, Sr. Madalena Mendonça received the necessary two-third majority in the first ballot for a postulation as prioress for a third term.  The Dicastery of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic…

Cardinal Tagle visits Casa Community

December 3 was a memorable day for the Casa Community, as they could welcome His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Pro-Prefect for the Section of First Evangelization of the Dicastery for Evangelization, in their midst. Upon arrival, they greeted him with MABUHAY,a Filipino greeting meaning “live”.The singing went not as planned, but thus caused even…