In 1996, five sisters began a foundation in Punalur, Kerala of South India. Today the Sisters operate a tuition center and maintain a small rubber estate.
ADDRESS : Shanti Nivas P.O.Box 32 Pineapple Junction, Punalur 691305 / India
TEL : 0091-475-2227 348
E-MAIL : osbpunalur@gmail.com
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After much prayer, study and discerning about beginning a ministry in India, the MissionaryBenedictine Sisters of Tutzing responded to the invitation of the Most Reverend Bishop Mathias Kappil of the mission diocese of Punalur, Kerala. In November 1996, five sisters settled into atemporary residence at Villakudy.
After a suitable location was found on the outskirts of the city of Punalur, the monastery was constructed on one of the knoll in the Ghats Mountains.
In January 2000, Shanti Nivas Monastery was blessed. One year later the chapel was dedicated by Cardinal Meiser of Koln Diocese, Germany, a significant benefactor amongs other for the edifice. The community has grown to seventeen professed members who follow the common monastic life with the Liturgy of the Hours.

On November 9, 1996, Mother Edeltrud Weist, Sr. Cecille Ido, and Sr. Lioba Yang arrived from Rome. At the same time arriving at the Trivandrum International Airport from the Philippines was Sr. Leoni Joseph Manimala who had just completed an integration experience. A short time later, Sr. Veronica Origines, who was in Rajkot, Gujarat State since 1995 as an instructor at the Jonas Institute of Nursing, would join the group to form the founding community in Vilakkudy.
A valued supporter to the early development of the community in India was Oblate Isabella Mary Thennapilly (died May 23, 2015), who bridged contacts and candidates of the Syro-Malabar and Latin Catholic rites, aided in the community outreach in Rajkot in Gujarat State, and who modeled great dedication to the poor, the sick and the health care ministry, especially in the area of Rajkot. Visa problems for foreign sisters and limited personnel prevented development of the Jonas Institute outreach at Rajkot.