Manila Visitation

 On February 12, the visitation in Manila Priory by M. Maoro Sye, assisted by Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca was officially opened.  Yet already before that Sr. Lumen Gloria, who had arrived earlier, visited communities and had personal interviews with sisters. Visit in Pambujan Visit to Holy Family Academy, Angeles Angeles Community Visit to Bacolod Visit in…

Seoul Visitation

 On December 29, the visitation of Seoul Priory was officially opened through the opening conference of M. Maoro Sye. She will be assisted during this visitation by Sr. Regina Tesch. M. Maoro had arrived already two weeks earlier in the country for a visit to Daegu. Sr. Regina arrived on December 27.  After the arrival…

Pray for First Profession in Manila

 With deep gratitudeMother Mary Thomas Prado, OSB Prioress and theMissionary Benedictine Sisters of TutzingManila Priory cordially invite you to a  Eucharistic Celebrationwith theRite of First Profession of Vows ofNovice Anna Margaretha M. FondevillaandNovice Kathleen Mac L. de Guzman Saturday, 24 June 2023Solemnity of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist9:00 a.m. St. Scholastica’s Formation House27 Magallanes Drive, Silang Crossing WestTagaytay…